susut nilai bahasa Inggris
- susut: decrease; on the go; wane; reduce; fadeout;
- nilai: evaluate; market value; pa; price; societe;
- susut: decrease; on the go; wane; reduce; fadeout; dwindle away; shrunk; crippled; dwindle; shrivelled; dwindle down; shrink; receding; paralyzed; incapacitated; shrivel
- gelang susut: shrunk ring
- harta susut: wasting asset; wasting assets
- penyuaian-susut: tight fit for shrinking on
- rengat-susut: contraction crack
- susut wajar: natural wastage
- tegangan-susut: pressure due to shrinking
- ukuran-susut: shrinkage rule
- nilai: evaluate; market value; pa; price; societe; value; denomination; grade; hit; mark; worth; cost; nobility; daddy; papa; economic value; paw; consider; dada; toll; father; dad; daddy-o; usefullness; s
- nilai not: note value
- retak karena susut: crack due to contraction
- nilai-nilai kerja: work values
- nilai-nilai latihan: training values
- 4. Break, resistant to radiation, high load and amortization Depreciation
4. Cuti, tahan radiasi, beban tinggi dan pelunasan Susut nilai - ? How and why products depreciate in value over time
? Bagaimana dan mengapa produk susut nilai dari masa ke masa